Friday 2 May 2014

Maverick Thinkers Studio is now open

A studio is a place where people imagine and create their art. For me my studios are my office, my garden, my library, several favourite coffee shops, trains and planes, and the places where I meet with collaborators and clients.

All artists want to share their art with people who can appreciate it. We want to add great value to these people. We want to help these people to lead fuller lives and achieve better results. 

Galleries, stadiums and pubs are common sharing places.

Of course, as you well know, there are a zillion places online for sharing our art too.

Maverick Thinkers Studio is my online place where I share my art and the art of other people who have inspired me. It's the sanctuary where time-poor business leaders come to overcome resistance to and the fear of change, and to learn to thrive on the challenges of change.

I am in the process of uploading all my key research insights, tools, tips, techniques, templates, ebooks, workbooks, videos, articles, papers, links, interviews, checklists, diagnostics, articles, slideshares, handouts; you name it.

If you are a business owner or leader wanting to thrive on the challenges of change, you will love being able to drop in to my online studio whenever you wish.

For the month of May 2014 only, you can save 50% of the fee for membership at the Enrolled level of Maverick Thinkers Studio. Yes you read that right, 50% savings. All you have to do is remind me of this never-to-be-repeated offer when you book in for your guided tour. 

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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