Wednesday 25 June 2014

The common structure of the greatest communicators

This is a very insightful interview with Nancy Duarte.

I highly recommend taking the time to view her TEDx talk embedded and particularly her analysis of famous talks by Steve Jobs and Martin Luther King Jr.

Every real, wise, and great leader is a storyteller of significance. Is this You?

Nancy's common structure of the greatest communicators is a great model for your stories. I recommend it.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

PS Storyteller of Significance is one of the key roles of a Change Champion.

I will be exploring this role and 4 others in my all new Game-changing Change Champions Day in Melbourne on October 21st, Singapore October 23rd, and London on October 29th.

I am thrilled that three wonderful storytellers will be my very special guest presenters, Steve Simpson in Melbourne, Paul Dunn in Singapore, and Nigel Risner in London.  All the details here.

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