Friday 11 July 2014

Management: Renaissance, Reinvention or Radical Transformation?

Is Management Due for a Renaissance? asks David K. Hurst in this interesting article on the Harvard Business Review blog.

Renaissance literally means rebirth. We don't want to give life to a dead concept in my view.
Management is dead I argue here.

On the Management Innovation eXchange website their banner says "It's time to reinvent management. You can help."

I don't want to reinvent management either. What I want, and what I am working for every day, is radical transformation.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” R. Buckminster Fuller

What do you feel and think? Does management need Renaissance, Reinvention or Radical Transformation?

I believe that your answer to this question is critical to the future success of your business.

When I review systems and processes, which is what I believe 21st century management to be about, with my clients, I ask the following questions:

Does this make it simple for people to consistently bring their best to the work?

Assuming the answer is yes to the first question I then ask: Is the end result of this work the delivery of value to others, value that they demand, desire, and feel that they deserve?

Obviously if the answer is no to the first question then the delivery of value to others is difficult if not impossible.

What's happening at your place? Do your systems and processes make it simple for people to consistently bring their best to the work? Is the end result of this work the delivery of value to others, value that they demand, desire, and feel that they deserve?

Leadership is the art of inspiring people to bring everything remarkable that they are to everything they do.

Management is the practice of making it simple for people to bring everything remarkable that they are to everything they do.

You need inspirational, effective, and influential leadership operating in harmony with motivational, efficient, and practical management, in order to thrive in your business.

You don't need management that is about directing, organising, and controlling people. That kind of management is dead. People management is dead.

The radical transformation of management is a key to the prosperity of your business. It is also a key to solving the problems of our world.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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