Friday 5 September 2014

Let your audience know that you know who they are before you share with them what you know

I have received a lot of emails lately that opened with a line like "I hope you have enjoyed your holidays." Well, I haven't been on holidays.

If you live in the Northern hemisphere and have subscribers in the Southern hemisphere while you were enjoying your summer holidays we have been in the dead of winter. Respect your audience.

An opening line that says "What's install for you this Fall?" has no relevance for those of your subscribers who don't describe a season as the Fall. Respect your audience.

If you publish a book on Kindle and all your examples are from North America you are alienating everybody else. Respect your audience.

If you're conducting a webinar in United Kingdom time, what time is that for me on the other side of the world? It's quite easy to make it simple for people to know what time it is for them. Respect your audience.

We need to think global yet act local.

It's great to share with our audiences what we know. Right now though so many people are sharing what they know it's overwhelming. And many people are opting out.

Stand out from the crowd by letting your audience know that you know who they are before you share with them what you know.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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