Sunday 21 September 2014

What's worth celebrating? What could be better?

This Sundays sparkenation.

In my Enhancing Their Gifts System celebrating is a key component.  People using the system celebrate every time they achieve a milestone or goal in their performance possibility plan and continually have appreciation conversations with their colleagues when they achieve and accountability conversations when they don’t.

Every 90 days system users and their performance partners formally ask what’s worth celebrating and what could be better and then upgrade their plans for the next 90 days.  These are wonderfully candid, positive and productive conversations because many informal exchanges have taken place in the 89 days preceding.

What’s worth celebrating in your life and work?

What’s worth celebrating about the life and work of your colleagues?

Share your answers with people you work with.  Doing so, providing you then take action, will improve your relationships.

What could be better in your life and work?

What could be better in your business relationships with others?

Share your answers with people you work with.  Doing so, providing you then take action, will improve your relationships.

Create a performance possibility plan for the next 90 days that begins on the 1st of next month. Type/Write down how you will keep doing what’s worth celebrating and what you will do to change what could be better. You can do this on one page, personal on one side and business on the other.

You just might be staggered at the profound results of taking this simple action, providing you do what you type/write down of course!

If I can help you with this sing out. I'm a pioneer in the creation of one-page execution plans. I'll even email you mine.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

More sparkenations here.

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