Monday 27 October 2014

Can we have a conversation not a quarrel please?

Josie Taylor who presents the 7.30 report program on ABC television in my home state made the following request of two politicians before interviewing them:

"Can we have a conversation not a quarrel please?"

She didn't get her wish as typically the two politicians failed to answer questions, instead trotting out their own rhetoric (often irrelevant to the questions), talked over the top of one another, and lacked civility towards Josie and each other.

Josie's question is insightful for us when there's conflict, difficulty or disagreement.

How do you set the scene when possible trouble looms?

I often say something like The reason we're here today is to ... We're going to have a conversation that results in a shared-view about the way forward together. Is this you're expectation?

How you do you set the intent?

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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