Monday 20 October 2014

What does it mean to be human at your workplace?

Corporate anthropologist Michael Henderson says

"Culture is;

“ What it means to be human here.”  (‘Here’ being wherever you are referring to when talking about a culture.)
“ An unwritten social contract that turns a person into a people."

and Michael says A High Performance Culture is;

"A culture that clearly defines and inspires people to be at their best, perform at their best and serve others."

I love the above definitions.

What does it mean to be human at your workplace?

How are your people allowed to be human?

Do your policies, procedures, practices, processes, and systems make it simple for people to bring their best to their work?

Your answers to these questions will tell you the truth about your culture and where your business is really heading.. As Peter Drucker once remarked "Culture eats strategy for breakfast."

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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