Thursday 4 December 2014

Your number one role as a leader

I believe that the number one role of real leadership is enhancing people’s gifts - your own and those of the people around you. Gift is another word for talent.

In a great book ‘The Talent Masters - why smart leaders put people before numbers’, authors Bill Conaty and Ram Charan state:

“Talent will be the big differentiator between companies that succeed and those that don’t.” I couldn’t agree more.

They also state:
“Talent masters understand the subtleties that differentiate people.”

Being a maestro of gift/talent discovery and enhancement in your business will be the catalyst for you distinguishing your business in the market place.

Bill Conaty and Ram Charan also state:
“The enlightened CEO recognizes that his top priority for the future is building and deploying the talent that will get it there.”

In the next group tours of my Maverick Thinkers Studio, designed to show you what’s available 24/7 when you become a member, I’ll be showing you The Enhancing Their Gifts System (ETGS), my flagship program, and the fast track to being a remarkable leader and change champion. 

ETGS is matters to master about change in a box (online when you join Maverick Thinkers Studio)

When you join Maverick Thinkers Studio you are granted a license to use ETGS in your own way. 

More people consistently bringing their best to their work will be the consequence. 

And You will have more time and energy to do what you love in the service of people who love what you do. Imagine that.

I will be revealing what's inside the ETGs box on the next group tours of Maverick Thinkers Studio today December 4th at 5 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Saving time and tomorrow December 5th at 7.30 am Australian Eastern Daylight Saving time. 

Please email me nominating which tour you'd like to join and I will email you the link.

To schedule your private tour please telephone me on +61 (0) 418 807 898 anytime between 8.30 am and 8.30 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Saving time.

Be remarkable.

"The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers." Ralph Nader

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