Friday 9 January 2015

Can you describe your strategy in a sentence and your tactics on a page?

The most successful business leaders I know can describe their strategy in a sentence and their tactics on a page (often on the back of a napkin or coaster).

Can you?

Here's my strategy in a sentence and tactics on a page to give you an example.

The best leaders have such powerful, high-value, and mutually rewarding relationships with their employees that each employee has their piece of the execution map on their own individual page.

More on simplifying strategy and ensuring execution here.

Your strategy and your execution plan form part of jigsaw. When every piece is locked in your success is a given. I call this shared view

Have candid conversations every day with your people to ensure shared-view. I promise you personal and business success this year as a consequence.

Be remarkable.

I may be able to help you. Please give me a call.

"You have to do it yourself, but no one can do it alone."

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