Monday 5 January 2015

Continuous, Conscious, Candid Conversations are the key to your success in 2015

For many years now I have used Skype as a vehicle to have continuous, conscious, and candid conversations with my clients. It means I can work with people regardless of where we happen to be in the world.

Recently I have begun using Zoom as a vehicle for 1:1s and group conversations. It's the best technology I have come across and is the next best thing to actually being in the room together.

I had stopped doing webinars because I didn't like doing them without being able to see people and engage in real conversation. Zoom makes this possible and is better in my view than Google+ hangouts.

I'll be using Zoom for my new webinar series Remarkable is the new normal. There's just 20 places in the room. You can get your ticket here. And if you just want the recordings and the workbook that's fine too, just buy your ticket and let me know that you just want the recordings and the workbook.

My conversation with Paul Dunn for the Global Impact Summit sets the scene for this webinar series. If you missed this you can watch the recording and get access to the other 29 great sessions here. All you have to do is make your own impact.

In all of my work I embrace the 4 key principles of Appreciative Inquiry as articulated by creators David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva.

Appreciate “what is” (what gives life?)

Imagine “what might be”

Determine “what should be”

Create “what will be”

In the new world of work remarkable leaders are the people having continuous, conscious, candid conversations about these things.

A key to such leadership is asking great questions.

Before articulating his famous theory of relativity Albert Einstein asked “What would the universe look like if I were riding on the end of a light beam at the speed of light?”

The latest book I have added to my recommended reading list is Turning to One Another - simple conversations to restore hope for the future by Margaret Wheatley which provides 12 great conversation starters:

1) Do I feel a vocation to be fully human?
2) What is my faith in the future?
3) What do I believe about others?
4) What am I willing to notice in my world?
5) When have I experienced good listening?
6) Am I willing to reclaim time to think?
7) What is the relationship I want with the earth?
8) What is my unique contribution to the whole?
9) When have I experienced working for the common good?
10) When do I experience sacred?
11) What is our role in creating change?
12)  Can I be fearless?

If 2015 is to be your best year yet the questions you ask yourself and other people, and the continuous, conscious and candid conversations you engage in, will be key.

I wish you well.

Maybe I can be your performance partner.

Be remarkable.

Continuous, conscious, candid conversations about being remarkable in 7 areas (see webinar below) and becoming what we talk about are a key reason we exist at Maverick Thinkers Studio. We meet online every first and third Monday (except in January) Join us here.

The 7 areas are the subject matter for my new webinar series mentioned at the beginning of this post. I'll be online 4.10 – 4.50 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time February 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd, and March 2nd, 9th, and 16th 2015. Complimentary to Maverick Thinkers Studio members or you can buy your ticket here.

Our theme at Maverick Thinkers Studio for 2015 is Reclaiming | Regaining | Sustaining our remarkability, because being remarkable is the new normal.

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