Sunday 25 January 2015

My 1000th blog post. So what?

This Sunday's sparkenation is my 1000th blog post. So what? Good question.

I began blogging in May 2007 because a colleague I respect said I should.

I've been in the habit of writing 500 words every day for more than half of my 61 years. Not much of it goes public. I find writing hard and joyful at the same time.

For me writing is therapeutic. It goes a long way to healing and overcoming my dis-ease with life.

Writing helps me greatly to find clarity which precedes moving from what is to what can be with purpose in all aspects of my life.

Blogging led me to writing the book I always wanted to write Changing What's Normal.

For You I share some of what I write for 3 key reasons

1) My desire is to start a candid conversation with you. I believe being candid is the secret sauce in the unique recipe we'll create together to reach or reclaim, and sustain your remarkability. There's nothing more important in life than this.

We all need inspiring, reminding, and sometimes persuading to be candid with ourselves. The more candid we are the greater our self-awareness, the number one leadership skill. The greater our self-awareness the more we become aware of others, the second most important leadership skill.

2) I want to give you value in advance of a highly valuable and mutually rewarding working relationship.

3) Sharing my feelings and thoughts online is one small yet significant way that I can make a meaningful contribution to the new world of work I believe such a new world is critical to the future prosperity and peace of our wider world.

If you're here for the first time Welcome. If you've dipped in occasionally my thanks.

If you been with me for all or part of the almost 8 year journey, my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to You.

What will be new in the future?

I'll be sharing more videos, both of the teaching kind and having candid conversations with leading experts.

What will you do next?

Be remarkable.

HT to Seth Godin who blogs every day and has been doing so for years. He has been and is a great inspiration to me.

More sparkenations here.

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