Friday 16 January 2015

The magnificent moves we're making

This post inspired by the people of Paris and Sydney.

Millions of the world's citizens are making moves. They're all moves from what is to what can be.

Are you on the move?

Moving from a focus on results to a focus on reasons

Moving from dollars to sense

Moving from investment to legacy

Moving from more for the rich and less for the poor to less for the rich and more for the poor

Moving from balance sheet to life-work harmony

Moving from cure/fix to prevention

Moving from education to life-long learning

Moving from handouts to helping hands

Moving from style to substance and significance

Moving from information to insight to idea to inspiration to innovation

Moving from denial to decision

Moving from blame and shame to taking personal responsibility

Moving from partisan politics to bipartisan politics

Moving from debating ideology to debating ideas

Moving from being clever to being wise

Moving from I to We

Moving from greed to the greater good

Moving from domination to true democracy

Moving from linked to loved

Moving from power to purpose

Moving from shareholder value to stakeholder value

Moving from control to empowerment

Moving from hierarchies to holacracies, networks, alliances, living organisms and systems

Moving from employment to engagement

Moving from jobs to roles

Moving from consumption to contribution

Moving from fundamentalism to freedom

Moving from my way is the only way to let's find a way together

Moving from prejudice to valuing difference

Moving from searching for a road to peace to peace being the road

Moving from patriarchy to civility and equity of opportunity

Moving from self-interest to enlightened self-interest

Moving from spin and soundbites to stories of significance

Moving from marketing to meaning

Moving from it's all about economics to it's all about society

Moving from dreams to deadlines we meet

Moving from talk to action

Moving from competition to collaboration

Moving from sucking the life out of our planet to sustainability

Moving from big data to the significance of small

Moving from resilience to remarkable

Your move.

The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. 

- James Allen

Be remarkable.

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