Friday 2 January 2015

Who will your performance partners be in 2015?

"Nothing great is easy." proclaimed the great marathon swimmer Des Renford.

And nothing great is achieved alone.

Who will your performance partners be in 2015?

The great paradox of life is that we must walk our own path and yet we need others if we are to be the best that we can be.

Who will your performance partners be in 2015?

Think of your favourite sports person or sports team. Would they be who they are without the people who support them?

How about you? Who will your performance partners be in 2015?

I have imagined what might be this year. I am also very appreciative of what is and grateful for exactly where I am. I have visualised how this year will be and have a written plan in place for the first 90 days to move from where I am to where I want to be. You?

Over the next week I'll be sharing my plan with my mentors. I will be seeking feedforward from them and setting up how we will have continuous, conscious, and candid conversations around the execution of my plan. I know that without their partnership and having them hold me to account, that I am unlikely to achieve my dreams. You? Who will your performance partners be in 2015?

In a few areas of my life and work I am looking to move beyond great. I recognise that great is no longer good enough and that I must be remarkable. I know that to be remarkable I will need my mentors, my clients, my friends, and my family, in my corner. You? Who will your performance partners be in 2015?

And who will you be there for this year?

Be remarkable.

Maverick Thinkers Studio

Remarkable is the new normal 7 part webinar series online 4.10 – 4.50 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time February 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd, and March 2nd, 9th, and 16th 2015.
Buy your ticket here.

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