Friday 8 May 2015

The number one role of real leadership

The number one role of real leadership is to be a Maestro of Gift/Talent Enhancement. It's about seeing people as they can be, rather than as they and helping people every day to bring their best to their work through enhancing their gifts (talents).

For most people this takes an evolution in their leadership and a revolution in management.

In this months candid and convivial in camera conversation online I’ll be exploring what this means, why it really matters, and how you as a consequence can ensure that more of your people are bringing their very best to their work every day.

I look forward to “seeing” you in the 21st May. Find out more and register here.

Be remarkable.

PS Being a Maestro of Gift/Talent Enhancement is one of 8 key roles that 21st century leaders play remarkably well. Mastery of these 8 roles is what we're all about at Maverick Thinkers Studio

For the month of May you can take up Gold membership of Maverick Thinkers Studio for just $27. That’s a savings of $578. And you’ll be providing nourishing meals to people in need through my partnership with Buy1Give1. Follow the links here to find out more or contact me on +61 (0) 418 807 898.

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