Wednesday 17 June 2015

Why remarkable leaders are remarkable mentors too

The evolution in leadership and the revolution in management is gaining momentum. This manifesto is my latest written contribution.

I'd love you to have this providing you'd really value it.

I've decided not to do the normal thing and make the download freely available or even worse have you subscribe to something and then me bombard you with automated emails to tempt you to do business with me. I don't operate like this and suspect if this manifesto is for you, then you don't like this methodology either.

My manifesto is about 8 roles 21st century leaders and mentors play remarkably well. It's for you should you be on the great quest of real leadership - to see yourself as remarkable and become who you see, and you've heard the great calling of real leadership - to be a mentor for others so that they see themselves as remarkable and become who they see.

If you're not yet remarkable ("conspicuously extraordinary") in one or more of these 8 roles then my manifesto is for you. To receive it please call me on +61 418 807 898 or email with a paragraph or two about why you'd like to have my manifesto.

Be remarkable.

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