Wednesday 8 July 2015

Being a change champion in this disruptive age

I've spent my life ever since I was disrupted with a life-threatening illness aged 24 (37 years ago) curious about how to thrive on the challenges of change and how to do so simply.

I work with business leaders to ensure that thriving on the challenges of change is simple yet profound. And to guarantee you’ll succeed profitably in the change/s you lead.

Most people believe thriving on the challenges of change is hard. I know from working with change champions for 25 years that it’s simple.

Here's my 5 key learnings (with thanks to many wonderful people who have been my clients and colleagues on the journey)

1) Maintain an "attitude of gratitude." This was my doctors advice. I first had to be grateful for being sick. It wasn't easy. I later learned that when we're grateful for what we've got, we can have more of what we want.

Being grateful is a key to success in every endeavour. It's a key component of my friend, colleague, and mentor Mark Sutherland's Your Motivation Journal. I highly recommend it. Check it out here.

My story may help you too.

12 ways to maintain an attitude of gratitude here.

2) We're responsible for our intentions, feelings, thoughts, actions and behaviours. We're not responsible for other people's intentions, feelings, thoughts, actions and behaviours.

My best advice: Stop worrying about what other people do or don't do. Compete with yourself and seek to collaborate with everyone else. My video below may help you.

I love Paul McGee's SUMO too - Shut Up Move On.

3) Happiness is a choice we make. It's not dependent on what other people do or don't do.

4) Shared-view is sacred in your home, your workplace and every third place you belong to. Shared-view is a key to success in thriving on the challenges of change simply without losing the profound.

5) Appreciating people

"The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated." said eminent psychologist William James

We are all unique. Not a single duplicate in the 100 billion lives that have walked planet earth. When we bring our best, free of BS, we are all remarkable.

Your birth was remarkable. Being born at all is even more remarkable than our birth. For most men only one or two of the 500 billion sperm cells produced in a lifetime reach the female egg, one of less than 500 that each woman produces in her life.

The fact that any of us is alive at all says to me that every life has a profound purpose.

Robert Louis Stevenson put it this way: "To be who we are, and to become all that we are capable of becoming, is the only purpose in life."

Most people either don't know or have forgotten they're remarkable and are therefore not living their lives on purpose. Leadership is about inspiring, reminding, and sometimes persuading people to be remarkable. A key is appreciating people. How well do you appreciate other people?

What would you add to my 5?

Be remarkable.

You may also like my manifesto 'Conceiving and achieving highly successful change initiatives.' You can download it at the top of the page here.

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