Monday 3 August 2015

Are you "doing what you love in the service of people who love what you do"?

After you read this post I highly recommend you invest 30 minutes to watch a video by the Hamel brothers about Bringing Your Heart To Work. The link is at the bottom of the page.

There's a lie out there that persists. It says "do what you love and the money will follow."

Steve was right.

Steven puts it all in perspective.

I've been in contact with Steven recently. His words changed everything for me a decade ago in the first release of his book 'The Radical Leap' which is just out as a 10th anniversary edition as pictured above. Steven's words inspired how I illustrate the personal change journey below.

I've been lost a little myself recently on my own personal change journey. The fog was lifted for me when one of my mentors, aware of my connection with Steven, asked me "How come you've largely stopped doing what you love in the service of people who love what you do?

My first love in my work you see is speaking. I love the research (finding out why my clients aren't doing what they're capable of and what they don't know they're capable of and the awesome difference it makes when they find out and take action). I love the presentation of the tailored talk, master-class, or breakthrough session. I love the post presentation mentoring that ensures people take action and get the return on investment they deserve. I love it all.

I gave all sorts of excuses to my mentor - the travel is a pain in the arse, it's lonely work, finding the right people is tough, blah, blah, blah.

He said "You're a pain in the arse when your not doing what you love. And there's 1000's of people out there who will love what you do. And they need you more than ever before."

I recognised my Resistance and surrendered. I'm back on my bike. 

How about you? Are you doing what you love in the service of people who love what you do?

If so I honour you.

Be remarkable.

PS Check out my most requested speaking topics here.

Bringing Your Heart To Work video

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