Wednesday 30 September 2015

Communication and Conversations that matter in the connection economy

Seth Godin and many others are talking a lot today about the connection economy.

Here is an excellent short video from Graeme Codrington about this.

There's also a great article from Graeme’s colleague Keith Coats here.

For me whatever we might call the current era, conversations and communication are what really matter. There's 8 key areas:

1) Self-talk

Continual conversation that overcomes Your Resistance and means you're bringing your very best to each moment.

2) Peer Review

Daily corridor conversations that appreciate remarkable work and help you to be accountable. Having a focusing tool is paramount. I co-create one page performance plans with my clients that are reviewed formally with peers every 90 days.

3) Feedforward

Suggestions from others that provide insight and foresight for you to change your behaviour.

4) Feedback

Gifts of hindsight from others about the past to assist in learning from actions taken or not.

5) After Action Reviews

Structured conversations that appreciate what was remarkable, great, good, bad, and ugly about a specific action; imagine what can be next time; create/update performance plans that reflect agreed personal and business behaviour changes and stay, stop, start actions.

6) Weekly Check-ins

Short, sharp, weekly meetings online and/or in person are crucial to the effectiveness of all champion teams. Following agenda’s and agreeing on actions and accountability at the end of each meeting paramount.

7) Mentor Moments

Real leaders have mentors and are being mentors for others.

8) Master-mind

Being a part of a group of people mutually committed to each others’ success, external to your business, is a powerful force.

How would you rate yourself in each of these areas? Good? Great? Remarkable?

What's the one-thing you will do next to get better than you are?

There's 13 suggestions for you to consider here.

Above all in all your communication and conversation I highly recommend heeding Jim Rohn's advice:

Be remarkable.

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