Wednesday 9 September 2015

The one thing to be and do to start to overcome change fatigue

I’ve been taking a really hard look at the uncertainty and overwhelm we face.

Right now, the cost, time and stress of people and performance related issues is higher than I have ever seen it since I began working as a mentor for business owners and leaders 25 years ago.

Some business leaders are worrying about the threat of recession, others political inaction. Some leaders are losing sleep through fear of being disrupted in some way. Many leaders are worrying about all three.

Astute leaders are having conversations and making decisions about something else entirely. I'm naming it the Darth Vader in the way of increased and sustainable momentum - change fatigue.

Vast numbers of people are suffering from this dis-ease. Failure to address it will kill your business.

This post is the first in a series about who to be and what to do.

The one thing to be and do to start to overcome change fatigue

The starting place I believe is to be more human in our workplaces and everywhere else.

Tomorrow is RUOK day. It should be every day. Find out more here.

image from website

My clients are used to me asking them How's things going? They know it's a genuine enquiry into their well-being.

In the UK a colleague greets people each morning with the question: Everything all right?

How are you asking RUOK?

Corporate anthropologist Michael Henderson defines culture as:

“What it means to be human here.”  (‘Here’ being wherever you are referring to when talking about a culture.) 

Michael's definition for me is far more insightful than the typical definition of culture "the way we do things around here." Being precedes doing.

You can read more from Michael here.

What does it mean to be human at your workplace?

The Force for dealing with Darth is to be a better human. 

"May the Force be with you."

Be remarkable.

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