Friday 27 November 2015

I'm looking for more people who don't normally talk to me

The clients I mentor are salt of the earth people who work bloody hard. They're highly successful yet always looking to be better.

​But...​ most are reluctant to seek outside help.

​Thats's why generally I only get to meet my clients via referral from people who don't easily refer because they don't want their friends/family/colleagues to know ​that at some point - even months or years earlier - ​they've brought in outside help!​ Can you imagine trying to make it in your own in top flight sport?​ Unthinkable, right? So why would that make sense in your business?

We can all benefit greatly from a fresh pair of eyes taking a look at our business from time to time.

In 'The most important things this chief executive has learned after 20 years running a $200 million business' CEO Garry Browne says: Have a mentor or a confidant you can talk to about absolutely anything from a business perspective. Don’t be shy, because no-one is an island.

Just so you know, I'm reluctant to ask for outside help too.

Yet I'm very glad that I do. Currently I'm being stretched and highly valuing it in working with my mentors Nick Haines and Matthew Newnham.

I'm also highly valuing being in a master-mind group with my colleagues Gihan Perera, Alicia Curtis, and Dr. Jenny Brockis where we're working on being better in the speaking aspects of our businesses.

The Power of "One Great Idea"​

​Over the past few months, I've held "One Great Idea" sessions with a wide variety of inspiring business leaders, and they all tell me how valuable these sessions have been. In fact, typically, they value them in the tens of thousands of dollars. I'd like you to get the same benefit - at zero risk. Here's how...

​We meet online or in person for 1 hour​, off the record​. I guarantee to generate one idea worth at least $5000 to your business. In exchange for that guaranteed $5000 value to your business, my fee for these sessions is just $500, payable in advance. And, to ensure this is totally risk-free for you, I will refund your fee immediately should you feel I didn't provide you with at least $5000 in value. Should we agree to work together in the next 90 days the fee becomes a credit against future work.

To ​find out if this is right for you, or to cut to the chase and ​schedule your "One Great Idea" session​,​ ​just telephone me on +61 418 807 898.

If an off-the-record chat is not for you right now please consider my Monday Morning Momentum and People, Process, and Profit Monthly Intensives. These are complimentary and exclusive for time poor people who register. Find out more and register here.

Be remarkable.

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