Tuesday 8 March 2016

Remarkable One-time Only Opportunity - The Appreciative Leader Pilot Program

The Appreciative Leader Pilot Programs - sustaining shared-view in the seven areas of significance where the most successful leaders stand out.

I'm looking for 14 maverick thinkers (7 per group) to join me online for 1 hour per week (30 minutes together as a master-mind group, and 30 minutes 1:1 with me) for 7 weeks. 1:1's will be scheduled at mutually convenient times.

Group 1 commences 8.30 a.m. Australian Eastern Time on Tuesday the 22nd of March 2016 and Group 2 at 8.30 p.m. that day.

This is a pilot to help me to fine tune a standalone online version of my current flagship in person and online work.

For you it will mean better business results at less personal cost and a minimum 10 times return on the small investment of $700AUD.

This upgrade to my work is a labour of love. Should you have more than 7 people in your business or team,and the call to being an Appreciative Leader resonates (you want to fully appreciate and get the best out of yourself and other people every day), you'll love this too!

The future of business is providing experiences and meaning - says Futurist and Nowist Gerd Leonhard

This pilot program will provide both experiences and meaning for you, and help you to accelerate doing the same in your business.

I'm taking expressions of interest up until midnight today (Tuesday March 8th Australian Eastern Time). Gain more insights into this program by checking out the current program here.

To express your interest please email ian@ianberry.biz with your telephone number and I'll be in touch.

Be remarkable.

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