Friday 27 May 2016

Last chance to claim your complimentary place at The Appreciative Leader Accelerator

Every moment of every day The Appreciative Leader focuses their time and energy on fully appreciating and getting the best out of themselves and other people.

The outcomes are more people leading and being accountable, which means better business results at less personal cost.

The Appreciative Leader Accelerator is a complimentary online hour of candid and convivial conversation about being the best Appreciative Leader you can be. There's no slides and no sell.

The next Accelerators are on next Monday the 30th at 8 am Melbourne time and 8 am London time. You can claim your place here.  As I write there's 4 places left for the Melbourne conversation and 9 for the London conversation. Registration desk closes at 11.30 pm today.

Accelerators embrace the proven principles I've been exploring in my Monday Morning Momentum videos and associated handbooks as overviewed below. You can view the videos and read the handbooks via this link.

I hope to "see" you on Monday.

Be remarkable.

We learn primarily by doing. Coaching and mentoring and formal learning must be in alignment.

Candid and convivial communication and conversations are paramount for success in our personal and business lives.

For your strategy to get executed every employee needs their unique piece of the map.

The purpose of every person's role in your business is to deliver value. Clarity of what this means for everyone precedes them being accountable.

The primary purpose of leadership is to create more leaders.

Fundamental to co-creating cultures of high performance and innovation is understanding "what it means to be human here." The starting place is seeing yourself and every person in your business as the remarkable one-of-a-kind human being that each of us is, and then behaving accordingly.

Stop being a manager and let people get on with management (i.e. processes which include policies, procedures, practices, and systems).

The number one role of leadership is to help people to unleash and enhance their gifts (talents).

Models don't matter. What matters is following proven principles in your own best way.

Meetings must be meaningful to participants.

Full appreciation of what is, dramatically increases your likelihood of achieving what can be (possibility).

What we truly believe we can achieve.

Your life only has one purpose, so does your business, and the two are connected in an unbreakable way.

Strategy is the compass that guides your personal and business decisions, and execution is the map.

Clever answers often hinder execution, whereas wise questions accelerate the process.

In the new world of work only the milestones and lead measures that have meaning for people have value. ‘What gets measured gets done’ is only partly true.

Behaviour determines your culture.

The two roles explored so far

Maverick Thinker - the most successful people understand conventional wisdom isn’t always wise, and therefore think differently.

Maestro of gift (talent) enhancement - when you fulfill this role more people will be doing what they love in the service of people who love what they do, and you’ll have more time and energy to do the same yourself.

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