Monday 20 June 2016

Understanding what appreciation isn't is a key to understanding what it is

Being an appreciative leader is not adopting an initiative from HR, a directive from your boss, or getting on any band wagon.

Being an appreciative leader is not a tick box exercise, participating in a training program, or using a tool or technique.

Rather, being an appreciative leader is how you, moment by moment, express genuine gratitude when one of your fellow one-of-a-kind human beings is being the best version of themselves.

Playing the role of magnifier of magnificence remarkably well is critical to your success. This is the subject matter of today's Monday Morning Momentum video below and the update to handbook #4.

You can access the update from here.

This is the half way point in the series on the 8 roles appreciative leaders play remarkably well.

Be remarkable.

Two Unique Personal and Business Development Opportunities

1) The Appreciative Leader Accelerator is now on every 4th Monday at 3.30 p.m. AEST.

You can claim your place for 27th June gathering here. 

These special complimentary events are one hour of candid and convivial conversation about being the best Appreciative Leader you can be.

Soon after your registration I'll ask you what you specifically wish to be discussed and I'll then create an agenda which will be forwarded to all participants the day before we meet online which will help everyone to be ready.

2) The Appreciative Leader Online Master-mind is a one-time-only opportunity for you to work directly on yourself and your business with myself and 11 other people of like heart and mind.

Details and registration here.

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