Monday 29 August 2016

Complimentary online events for pioneering, forward thinking, curious people

I’m very grateful for many reminders recently that my raison d'ĂȘtre is to be in the room 1:1 and in small and large groups with pioneering, forward thinking, curious people, wanting to shift away from the status quo when sameness is no longer serving you.

I'm conducting a series of special complimentary online events using the great Zoom technology every Monday in September 2016. The subject is the 3 pillars of the new world of work.

The 5th September event at 8 am London time is for sole practitioners only. Find out more and register here.

The 12th September event at 8 am Melbourne time is for micro and small business owners only. Find out more and register here.

The 19th September event at 8 am London time is for senior leaders only. Find out more and register here.

The 26th September event at 8 am Melbourne time is for women only. Find out more and register here.

As with my all my presentations and mentoring, what I say at these events is important,
yet nowhere near as important as what you hear yourself say to yourself, and then do your own unique work.

The Appreciative Leader numbered limited edition handbook events

And speaking of events have you guaranteed yourself the V.I.P. fee for The Appreciative Leader handbook events by emailing me or completing the survey.

Find out about the 5 options here or go direct to the survey here.

Be remarkable.

If you’re in the room, be in the room.
Nigel Risner

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