Monday 8 August 2016

Fulfilling our promise and our promises

41 years ago last May I moved with my then young family to a place we'd never been to before to begin my first assignment as a Branch Manager. There were two staff members and me in the spacious office in one of the town's three major streets. A little over 20000 people lived in the area at the time.

Initially I flew there with my boss. On the plane he gave me pieces of advice that I applied initially because I didn't know any better and wanted to impress my boss. My application of his advice, albeit very tentatively in the beginning, became critical to my success in the corporate world and have remained so ever since.

"This is your great opportunity to fulfill your promise." he told me.
"While you're getting the best out of yourself, help Sue and Bill (my staff members) to fulfill their promise too." he said.

Then my boss told me "Think very carefully before you promise anyone anything. Once you've made a promise, always keep it."

Keeping our promises is key to being an "exemplar of execution", the credibility role of being an Appreciative Leader. This is the subject matter of today's Monday Morning Momentum video below and the update to handbook #4 which you will find here.

Be remarkable.

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