Friday 16 September 2016

'Technology vs. Humanity The coming clash between man and machine' by Gerd Leonhard

This is the best book of the 30 I've read this year.

So good in fact that it makes my top 21 recommended reading list.

You can get the book yourself here.

I first met the author Gerd Leonhard at a conference we both presented at in Munich, Germany in 2012. Since then I have followed Gerd's work with great interest.

In this book Gerd lays out a compelling case for ethical use of technology and always in ways that enhance the human experience while not altering what it means to be human.

You can read my full Amazon review here.

There's is much to love about this book. Three aspects that I love in particular are:

1) The idea of exponential humanism "the philosophy to find a way forward that will allow us to embrace technology but not become technology, to use it as a tool not as purpose."

2) The concept of "key human indicators" as a far better way forward than the traditional and tired KPI's.

3) The insight of androrithms "those qualities that makes us human" having more meaning than algorithms.

Be remarkable.

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