Monday 21 November 2016

"Price is what you pay; value is what you get"

The Appreciative Leader Master-class and Wine and Wisdom Evening on 30th November in Ballarat, Australia (my birthplace), are the final events this year (maybe ever) where you can receive your copy of the signed, numbered, limited edition handbook, The Appreciative Leader (only 150 printed), and be inducted into the exclusive Appreciative Leader community. You can register for the master-class here, and the wine and wisdom evening here.

Should you not be able to participate in one of these events, up until midnight AEDT Wednesday 30th November, I'm keeping open my one time only offer to mail you the handbook, and conduct a 1:1 mentoring session with you online. Membership in the community is part of the package. It's just $99 all up, a price I will never be making available ever again. Find out more here.

The Appreciative Leader Monday Morning Momentum Wisdom Series 
Every Monday at 8 am AEDT November 7th 2016 - 30th January 2017.
Image Courtesy of Shutterstock

In a great book, which you can purchase here, Masami Sato asks: "So what makes the difference between businesses that are simply doing well and those that are creating exceptional value and are loved by their customers?"

Masami provides 3 answers:
"1) The type of value you create.
2) The way you deliver that value.
3) The way you connect with the stakeholders."

As a part of my life-long partnership with Buy1Give, the organisation that Masami founded, when you get your copy of The Appreciative Leader handbook, and become part of the community, 12 families in need receive 3 nourishing meals.

Who will you become? What will you do next? 

Be remarkable.

Helping business owners and leaders increase the positive difference your leadership makes, and to create more leaders in your business.

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