Friday 9 June 2017

How to guarantee you'll succeed in the changes you lead

On the first Monday of every month (except December and January) I conduct complimentary symposiums online from 4.30 through 5.30 pm AEST. We explore the 5 foundations for remarkablising your workplace pictured below.

On the 3rd July I start the cycle of five symposiums again.

Before participating in a symposium you download a red paper and in the case of 'Remarkable is the new normal', a workbook. You then take action in your own best way before the symposium.

At the end of the symposium we arrange a time for a 1 hour online after action review and sustaining momentum workshop.

All the detail is at the registration link here.

Approximately 3 hours investment of your attention over 3 months for better business results at less personal cost. It doesn't get much better than this!

Be remarkable.

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