Monday 31 July 2017

Is it time to upgrade your human operating system?

Last week I introduced you to the guide and pulse check pictured above. If you don't yet have it please email me and I'll send it to you.

Often taking the actions in the guide follow a review that I conduct by spending a day with you in your business working on your business. Sometimes such a review becomes the catalyst for upgrading your human operating system which is how I sometimes name workplace culture.

Corporate anthropologist Michael Henderson got it absolutely right when he said "Culture is what it means to be human here"

If you have less than 90% of your employees bringing the best version of themselves to their work every day, you need to transform your culture. By doing so now you are ensuring your total readiness for the inevitable disruption that's coming to your business. And which usually arrives like a deadly virus and threatens your existence.

Maybe I can help you my conducting  a review. I'll provide you with key recommendations in each of the areas pictured below. To arrange this special day together please contact me on +61 418 807 898.
The above review tool and the special guide and pulse check referenced are keys to maximising value delivery capability in your workplace, which I have found to be the simplest yet most profound way to increase self esteem and business worth.

This insight inspired me to develop the following maximising value delivery capability process:

Be remarkable.

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