Monday 18 December 2017

The 3 stages of leadership that the best leaders flow through every day

The above are the 3 stages of leadership that the best leaders flow through every day.

1) Central to change leadership is self-leadership. No one can lead successfully without first leading self. Success is based on the following premise:

The mantra for leading self is compete with yourself and collaborate with everyone else.

Learn more through my Changing What's Normal book which you can download with my compliments here.

2) Appreciative leadership is all about leading for others. It has much to do with fully appreciating 

Learn more through getting your copy of the signed numbered limited edition handbook here.

3) Being a leadership valueologist is all about leading leaders

Leadership Valueologist (verb): person fully committed to the art, life-long learning, unlearning and relearning, and daily practice of fully appreciating and getting the best out of themselves and other people, and ensuring people feel valued, live values and deliver value.

Join me for the leadership valueologist experience in 2018. Learn more here.

Change leadership (self-leadership), Appreciative Leadership (leading for others) and Leadership Valueologist (leading for leaders).

Be remarkable.

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