Sunday 24 December 2017

We want to be fulfilled not engaged

I don't normally post on a Sunday. Today I'm making an exception because it's my birthday!

Partly because of the date many people are feeling overwhelmed or distracted.

I've chosen for many years to deliberately take a moment on this day to be grateful for my life and what has made me fulfilled.

'We want to be fulfilled not engaged' I plucked from this LinkedIn article by Aaron Hurst one of my favourite authors.

Helping people to be fulfilled has been a life-long quest. I think fulfilled follows valued and precedes feeling loved. I wrote a special report about these three some time ago.

You can download my special report here.

Because of my birthdate Christmas has never had any great personal meaning. I do get into the spirit of it and enjoy the family time. For me Christmas is not about anybody's birthday or buying more stuff or giving people things they don't need or want. Christmas for me is just another day to feel valued, fulfilled and loved, and to help others to feel the same.

Be remarkable.

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