Wednesday 7 March 2018

Why human-being centred workplaces outshine the rest

Broadly speaking there are 3 kinds of businesses:

1) those focused on profit,
2) those focused on the product/service, and
3) those focused on people (particularly customers and employees)

Those focused on people are what I refer to as human-being centred workplaces. These outshine the rest.

In my work with clients my focus is on helping employees to be remarkable and to do work that's meaningful for them and highly valuable for others. These three I've found to be a sure-fire way to achieve better business results at less personal cost than the past.

These are based on a fundamental success principle, who before do.

In the service of your customers your employees must be being and doing what your competitors employees aren't or being and doing better, differently or more uniquely. 

In addition to this whatever is automated or where humans aren't involved better be aligned with where human-beings are involved, otherwise the inconsistencies will cost you.

Who will you become?

What will you do next?

Be remarkable.

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