Wednesday 28 November 2018

Better, Wiser, and More Valuable

I love the action of having 3 words every year to aid focus which I first learned a few years ago from Chris Brogan who says:

"Every year, at the beginning of the year, choose 3 words that have personal meaning to you that you will use as guideposts for your chosen path forward in the coming year. Make the words such that they influence your choice of actions, encourage you to decide in favor of your goals, and guide you towards lasting results that you want to experience throughout the year."

I've already chosen my words for 2019: better, wiser, valuable.

My words are in alignment with my work with clients which can be summarised in a wonderful insight "the aggregation of marginal gains".

The story of this insight comes from this wonderful book where the author tells the success story of British Cycling and the instigator Performance Director Dave Brailsford. Please read the excerpt from the book about this yourself.

By choosing to be and do just a little bit better, wiser and/or more valuable my clients can achieve their own version of the British Cycling Team's success summarised by James Clear as follows:

"Just five years after Brailsford took over, the British Cycling team dominated the road and track cycling events at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, where they won an astounding 60 percent of the gold medals available.  Four years later, when the Olympic Games came to London, the Brits raised the bar as they set nine Olympic records and seven world records.

That same year, Bradley Wiggins became the first British cyclist to win the Tour de France. The next year, his teammate Chris Froome won the race, and he would go on to win again in 2015, 2016, and 2017, giving the British team five Tour de France victories in six years."

The aggregation of marginal gains plays a key role in my new book, the final in a trilogy that I'm currently completing research and writing. You can download excerpt here.

Who will you become?

What will you do next?

Be remarkable.

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