Wednesday 29 May 2019

My Remarkable Workplaces book is ready for you to download

This book is the final in a trilogy that I began writing in April of 2009.

The first book Changing What's Normal was then published in June 2011 and the second The Appreciative Leader in November 2016.

You can download all 3 books and all my resources with my compliments from the one PDF here.

Remarkable Workplaces is my most practical book with high emphasis on who you can become and what you can do next in your own best way to be better, wiser and more valuable.

You can download Remarkable Workplaces and/or order the special, signed, souvenir edition here.

Remarkable Workplaces Executive Summary

The working model

Sparkenator's, 21st century managers and culture champions


The change I’m seeking to make with you are shifts in being, feeling, thinking and doing that mean the maximum number of people in your workplace feel valued, live values and are delivering value.


Think, read, listen, watch, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention with the never-ending curiosity of a child and the hard-earned wisdom of a grandparent.


My way of making change happen is to use enlightened language that elevates conversations which enrich relationships. You can easily adopt my convention in your own best way.


Our aim in a our work together is to ensure that high levels of self-awareness and awareness of others are a hallmark of your workplace culture.

Compete with yourself

Your only competitor is the person you looked at in the mirror this morning. Your life’s quest is to be the best version of you, the one-of-a-kind human being you are.


“Less But Better” is a great motto for life and work. You become who you focus on being and less but better ensures laser like focus.


Creating and sustaining shared-view (ours) in seven areas of significance (reality, possibility, purpose, strategy, execution, progress and culture) is a consequence of wise, witty and warm communication, powerful presentations and candid, convivial and compassionate conversations.


Opposition, Competition, Us and Them and references to They are all relics of the past. The best present and future are all about Us, We and Embracing Mwe (Me + We = Mwe)


We gather where we feel genuine connection with fellow human beings, and have a sense of belonging, meaning and being cared for.


Our lives are a continuous cycle of living, loving, leading and leaving (our contribution) which result in our legacy.


Enlightened self-interest, sustaining shared-view and noticing (mindfulness) are the essentials of coexistence and living in harmony with one another.


"Making progress in meaningful work visible” is one of the truly great success principles. It is one of the consequences of being deeply connected to fellow human beings.


Our ultimate success depends on fulfilling co-promises that mean people feel valued, live values and that ensure we’re better and wiser in delivering value.

Download Remarkable Workplaces with my compliments and/or order special, signed, souvenir edition here.

Be remarkable.

PS I have places in my schedule to workshop the book with 7 more leadership teams. You must schedule before 30th June 2019 to take up the special investment offer. Please contact me on +61 418 807 898 to explore further.

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