Friday 20 March 2020

Real leadership is love in action. Be someone to lean on

Listen directly to the podcast version of this post here.

There’s a lot of telling go on right now in the world isn’t there? Some of it is necessary of course.

Yet a lot of the chaos is unnecessary in my view. The good news is it presents a wonderful opportunity for leaders with heart.

With fear, uncertainty, and concern dominating it's the perfect time for leaders with heart to step up and inspire people to feel safe, find hope and to create a simple yet profound strategy and plan-on-a-page to turn possibility into reality.

To this end I’m co-hosting a big picture online conversation with the members of my mentoring team Anne Riches, Susan Furness, Gary Edwards, Glenn Capelli. This will be not be a do this or that talk fest, rather a heart to heart conversation. It's complimentary. Please register here.

For now please practice heart leadership.

Heart Leadership is seeing, sometimes unearthing, and mostly magnifying and enhancing the essence of people including our own.

Heart Leadership is the new normal.

We’re tired of head leadership. It’s on full display day in the ignorance and arrogance of many of our political and institutional leaders and dare I say many in business too. Head leadership is illustrated by a lack of good judgement which is a key component of wisdom. The face of such leadership is evoking fear in people.

Heart Leadership in contrast comes from a place of love, the antidote to fear.

To love ourselves and each other takes courage. It’s about seeing every human as the one-of-a-kind that each of us is.

The Ancient Greeks had four words for love. Two I’m sure you know - eros (romantic love) and agape (love in a spiritual sense).

The other two are not generally as well known. There's storge, meaning natural affection like parents feel for their children.

And then there's philia. This is the one I find the most insightful for organisations. Philia is often translated as affectionate regard or friendship. We need more philia in our organisations. It will lead to more philia in the world.

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of.

Says the great Burt F. Bacharach / Hal David song.

I find it simple (not always easy) to have affectionate regard for people because I know everyone of us is a one-of-a-kind human being. Only the hardest of heart can’t not love a one-off.

Who will you become?

What will you do next?

The world needs you and I to lead with heart and to be the someone others can lean on.

Should you be looking for someone to lean on yourself, you can lean on me.

There’s 4 ways below that you can lean on me right now.

Do Your Work.

Be remarkable.

4 ways that you can lean on me

1) Just give me a call. No strings attached. My number is 0418 807 898.

2) Join in the complimentary online conversation at 4 pm ADST on 31st March ‘Who leaders with heart are and what they do in a crisis’ My mentoring team colleagues Anne Riches, Susan Furness, Gary Edwards and Glenn Capelli will be co-hosts. Here again is the registration link.

3) Let’s work together online. We can all be in the safety of our own homes or where ever safe is.

I’ve successfully transitioned to working with clients 80% online these days using Zoom and telephone and text. Believe me I didn’t anticipate anything, I just made a lifestyle choice. Nevertheless I’m glad I have expertise now to do great work online.

While the coronavirus remains a threat I’m offering all my online services at half the normal fee. This means a great investment when you take into account that there can be  2 to 15 people engaged in any one session. Please give me a call to explore further. My updated services are overviewed in the this PDF.

4) Take advantage of joining the online master-mind group that begins next week where for you and your organisation participation is just $55 per person for each 3 sessions. Register at this link or contact me should you prefer an invoice. Be quick because numbers are limited to ensure the greatest take aways.

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