Friday 22 May 2020

The secret to collaboration is sustaining shared view

Listen to the podcast version of this post

This post and podcast is taken in part from my Changing What’s Normal book Sparkenation 28 ‘Only collaborate with people when you have achieved a shared view.’

You can download Changing What’s Normal with my compliments via the PDF here.

There are many great opportunities AC (after corona) to ensure a better world.

One of them is to leave behind competition between nations, political parties, religions and businesses and start collaborating for the good of people and our planet.

Most of our troubles, personal, local, organisational, national, and international, are fundamentally based in our perceived need to hang onto the world in here (my view), our issues with the world out there (other people's views), and, our failure to focus more on the world we share (ours).

The exciting news is that when we find and sustain shared-view (ours) we can triumph over all our troubles.

There's videos and podcasts and a diagnostic tool here to help you to sustain shared-view in what I call the seven areas of significance.

I find that there are three main reasons for human conflict:

1. Disagreement about the goal/s, objective/s, or aim/s.

2. Disagreement about how the goal/s, objective/s, or aim/s will be achieved.

3. Assumption of agreement in 1. And/or 2., and a negative response when such assumptions result in perceived betrayal.

I suggest seven special steps to successful collaboration

1. Establish that there is agreement concerning the goal/s, objective/s, or aim/s. Don’t move on until you are absolutely certain there is agreement.

2. State what you can and will do to achieve the goal/s, objective/s, or aim/s.

3. Ask the other person or people involved to state what they can and will do to achieve the goal/s, objective/s, or aim/s.

4. State what you feel are the milestones or quantum leaps (small yet significant shifts) that will indicate that you are on track to achieve what you say yo will in 2.

5. Ask the other person or people involved  to state what they feel are the milestones or quantum leaps that will indicate that they are on track to achieve what they say they will in 3.

6. Agree on the dates and times that you will be in touch with each other to discuss progress and celebrate achievements.

7. Confirm in writing via email or letter your agreements in 2. through 6. And ask for a confirmation response from the other person or people involved.

Follow these seven special steps and I guarantee a better future whatever your endeavours.

Do Your Work.

Be remarkable.

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