Friday 12 June 2020

Re-start where you are and do what you can

Yesterday my colleague Susan Furness and myself facilitated the final group session in one of our Strategic Heartistry programmes. The final group session is called Re-Start. It follows on from an individual planning session which followed Re-imagine and Re-purpose group sessions. 

I believe we are at a special moment in history where we have the good fortune to be able to choose on a massive scale to re-start life in many areas. In the process we can bring greater peace and harmony to our world and health to our planet.

In many ways the world needs a Re-start right?. Collectively it seems like we have lost the plot, black deaths in custody, so many deaths from corona, inept political leadership, just to name three of our current tragedies.

All is not lost. 

Yes many people feel overwhelmed. Yes many people are angry. And yes many people are suffering from inequality.

I sense a movement gathering momentum fast. Not a movement that is focused on single issues like climate change, police brutality or political corruption, yet one movement that focuses on being better humans and that encompasses all the issues where we are failing one another and the environments in which we live.

I’ve asked myself how can I do more? What is it about my contributions that can be better, wiser and more valuable. How can I make a more tangible difference?

The words of a mentor from long ago have come back to me “start where you are, do what you can.”

I’m doing this. I’m calling it a Re-start. I’m calling on you to Re-start too. 

To be more of whom you are capable of becoming, and to do your best in your world to be the best human being that you can be. The best version of you inspires others to be their best versions too.

Do Your Work.

Be remarkable.

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