Friday 11 December 2020

Create your own future

Listen to the podcast version of this post

I’ve been contemplating my future this week. I do so regularly. At this time of year I focus on my future for a few days because I always reinvent myself in some way as I move into a new year. 

Happenstance meant that during my considerations this week a notice of a new video about the future came into my inbox. It’s 42 minutes.

On the video Anton Musgrave says “stop thinking about the future from the lens of today.” 

Liselotte Lygnso says “Things are not good or bad they just are."

These two pieces of wisdom helped my contemplations.

Then the old chestnut came up too “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” This is often attributed to Abraham Lincoln. A fact check reveals this not to be the case and doesn’t really offer who may have said it or not. The closest is Peter Drucker being quoted as saying “You cannot predict the future, but you can create it.”

I believe everyone one of us can and must create our own future. There are many actions you can take and a great deal that you can influence.

Also this week I’ve been reading a great new book by Derek Sivers.

This book is about being a successful musician yet it is also using musician as a metaphor for being successful at anything we choose. 

I love this book.

Derek recommends having two plans that you work simultaneously. 

One plan depends on you and nobody else. The second plan uses other people to help. 

I think this is genius and so I now have two plans for 2021.

How are you creating your future?

Do Your Work.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.


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