Monday 7 December 2020

How are you dealing with fake news, endless disinformation and propaganda?

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I've been at sixers and sevens about social media and the media in general for several months. The old media of the likes of Murdoch owned outlets I mostly ignore.

In my Heart-Leadership book I say the following about social media:

A blessing and a curse is how I describe social media. On the one hand much of it is anti-social, self-centred, self-righteous crap. It is very difficult to spot fake news and the endless disinformation and propaganda is quite simply a pain in the arse.

On the other hand there’s value and insight to be given and received and the platforms can assist us in building and sustaining relationships. DC (during coronavirus) social media I’m sure has been helpful too many to stay in touch with family and friends.

I personally limit myself to LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. The latter two are always precarious. I’m on WhatsApp yet I don’t see the value in always being available and so notifications for all social media are mostly switched off.

My main ritual with social media and technology platforms in general is to limit my time and energy engaging with them.

I admit to being warn out by fake news, endless disinformation and propaganda, not just on social media, in much of the old media as well.

How are you dealing with fake news, endless disinformation and propaganda?

I genuinely want to know your feelings and thoughts. Please email me or comment below or on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook where this will be posted.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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