Wednesday 24 February 2021

Heart-Leaders are truth-tellers and unmask wilful blindness

A key role of real leaders in an age of fake news, post truth and conspiracy theories is to tell the truth (as you feel and see it) and to unmask wilful blindness.

I first thought deeply about Wilful Blindness when I read this book.

Get your copy here.

Political parties, religious organisations, and businesses all stain our society and hold back meaningful progress when they engage in wilful blindness.

It takes courage to talk about wilful blindness

Often wilful blindness is the elephant in the room.

Most of what could be better about an organisation is known yet unsaid (it is said underground and away from the organisation).

For over 30 years I have been walking into organisations as an adviser and I am told, usually within an hour, of what could be better and yet no one has raised issues with insiders for fear of reprisal or fear for their jobs and other nasty reasons.

A common reason is it's a cultural issue of not talking about what can be perceived as unpleasant.

I'll be addressing how to find the courage in a life stream event on March 16th 2021. Here's the details.

If you read this after this event please get in touch with me and we will decide together on how I can help you.

“Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile.” Paolo Coelho

This is one of two books that I am currently studying (the other is overviewed below).

It's a book I highly recommend. Just the data alone will make you stand up and take notice. Get the book yourself here.

As I write this in the Australian Parliament there is a terrible saga going on where women allege rape and sexual harassment. Clearly the Parliament has a cultural problem. I see wilful blindness and an incredibly poor attitude towards women in general by many of the male occupants.

The following is from this article in The Saturday Paper quoting one of the victims:

"The reason for Brittany’s assault, and mine – and the ongoing disclosures I receive from other women – is the same reason there have been sexual abuse scandals in every self-regulating, autonomous or unpoliced fiefdom of power and privilege. What Australia seems wilfully blind to is that each of its enclaves of power – from religious institutions such as the Catholic Church, to the judiciary, corporations and financial institutions, to our parliaments – has a misogynistic, patriarchal power structure that enables the oppression, vilification and sexual abuse of women."

Being a truth-teller as a leader and being willing to unmask wilful blindness is essential I believe to overcome this tyranny.

Who will you become? What will you do next?

This book by one of Australia's most revered historians I am also currently studying.

Clearly we haven't told the truth about how we have treated our first people.

This sad and sorry tale is repeated the world over.

Along with ensuring equality and equity of opportunity for women, doing the same for our first people is a must do in order for our society to fully flourish.

If you are like me then deciding to become a truth-teller and an unmasker of wilful blindness requires a serious look in the mirror.

Simon Sinek's videos on the THE 5 PRACTICES TO LEAD IN THE INFINITE GAME were very helpful to me in overcoming my fears and self-doubts and so I highly recommend them.

I came across the videos while researching my Heart-Leadership book where I reference Simon's book 'The Infinite Game'.

Eliminating injustice is my just cause. Being a part of the movement to enable women, first peoples and everyone else who is currently discriminated against, mistreated, and as yet without equity of opportunity, is one way that I am being a truth-teller and unmasker of wilful blindness. I invite you to be one too.

In this hugely popular video the former head of Australia's defence forces and later Australian of the year David Morrison (using words by his former boss I believe David Hurley) and speaking about respect for women said "The standard you walk past is the standard you accept"

This inspiring call to action should send shivers down your spine and inspire you to be a real leader by being a truth-teller regardless of the injustices you witness.

Become the wise leader you want to be. Ian

PS This from my colleague, The Quiet Disruptor, Sue Heatherington.

"We don’t need to shout,

but we do need to speak.

We can’t make everything right,

but we can make some things better."

Read the full piece here.

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