Wednesday 24 March 2021

Live Events For Wise Leaders

In the 2 minutes and 28 seconds video below I overview my live events including the recent additions of Wise Leaders Cafe, Wise Leaders Q & A, and Wise Leaders Symposiums. 

You can download all the details here or check out via the links below.

For a few years now I've been hosting a sparkenation conversation every first Wednesday usually at 3.30 PM Australian Eastern Time.

The time can vary to suit special guest timezones. Every time I have a special guest who is a sage in their field.

Recently I began recording these complimentary events.

I feature the next conversation and recordings of the past four here.

I host these every second Wednesday at 8 AM and 6.30 PM Australian Eastern Time.

The AM time means it's good for you if you are in USA, New Zealand and Australia, and the PM time makes it good for you if you are in Asia, UAE, Europe and UK.

The purpose of the cafe is small group conversations about life and work while enjoying your favourite beverage. 

Wise Leaders Cafe is complimentary for Book Club, Egalitarian and Online Village Member of Wise Leaders Community.

Learn more about the community here.

Details of the next cafe's always here.

Wise Leaders Seminars are also complimentary for Wise Leaders Community Members.

Each seminar is for 90 minutes and you choose a time to suit you 

Third Tuesday’s 10 AM start. Third Wednesday's 3.30 PM start, and Third Thursday’s 6.30 PM start.

Wise Leaders seminars are held in February, April, June, August, and October.

Details and seminar registration always here.

I co-present and facilitate Wise Leaders Symposiums with two other experts. Usually my colleagues have been a special guest in a first Wednesday conversation.

Symposiums are two hour experiences and you choose a time to suit you.

Fourth Tuesday’s kick-off at 10 AM, Wednesday’s 3.30 PM, and Thursday’s 6.30 PM.

Wise Leaders Symposiums are held in May, July, September and November. 

Details of the next symposium are always here.

Every fourth Tuesday at 6.30 PM Australian Eastern time I co-host a special Q & A session

Questions are requested in advance by participants.

We explore up to 7 questions and every participant gets the opportunity to provide input as well.

Wise Leaders Cafe is complimentary for Egalitarian and Online Village Members of Wise Leaders Community. 

Details and registration are always here.

Wise Leaders Online Village is the inner circle of Wise Leaders Community.

We meet as peer groups of six to twelve people per group by arrangement. The whole village also meets quarterly.

I also conduct special seminars for members as well as provide private mentoring to members who have chosen this service.

Membership in the Online Village is by invitation only from myself or a current member. You are very welcome to contact me on +61 418 807 898 to arrange a 30 minute conversation on Zoom to explore being invited. There is also a complimentary trial option we can explore where you get to participate in two conversations with a group.

Learn more about the Online Village here.

Very special offer

You can create your own event and have me do a presentation or host a conversation. Minimum 8 people. Maximum 80 people at tables of 8.

Available for any venue you choose in Ballarat, Geelong, Melbourne or Werribee, Victoria. Cost of venue and catering your responsibility. Of course you can use your own venue.

Conditions of offer are that you buy each participant a copy of my book ‘Heart-Leadership Become the wise leader you want to be’, and that you book your event before 31st May 2021.

Fee is $22 per person including GST or you may like to invest $23 or $46 per person and thereby give participants one months membership of Book Club or Egalitarian in Wise Leaders Community.

To take up this very special offer please telephone me on 0418 807 898.

PS There are also online options. They involve you buying the books direct from your local Amazon or favourite bookstore. Please talk to me about this should online be your preference.

PSS I can also make this work in person when I visit family in Adelaide and Perth.

Become the wise leader you want to be.


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