Wednesday 10 March 2021

Self-directed online courses

In the past month I've been refreshing and updating all my six self-directed online courses.

Each course is complimentary. All are accessible via this web page. Each course involves a combination of reading, watching and listening.

You can go to courses direct via the links below

Heart-Leadership Become the wise leader you want to be (28 videos (24 under 5 minutes) and 24 podcasts (all under 10 minutes).

Magnificence (short course to discover your essence).

Reasons, Relationships and Routines Guarantee Results (short course including a small workbook).

Remarkable Workplaces (108 page workbook, videos and podcasts).

Sustaining shared-view in the seven areas of significance where the most successful leaders stand out (7 videos (all under 5 minutes) and 7 podcasts (all under 10 minutes, plus a one page diagnostic).

The Appreciative Leader (89 page handbook, videos and downloads).

Become the wise leader you want to be.

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