Friday 5 March 2021

The great energy shift

Listen to the podcast version of this post 

Each Friday's podcasts are always under 10 minutes.

In last weeks post and podcast I referenced Margaret Heffernan’s new book ‘Uncharted”. I’m now well into reading it and highly recommend that you do too.

There are many wonderful case studies in the book about how experiments turned into wonderful outcomes for human progress.

I quote from the book in the podcast about two case studies involving citizens conventions in Ireland. One relates to same sex marriage becoming law and the other to the liberalisation of abortion up to twelve weeks becoming law. Both of these extraordinary outcomes came after referendums overwhelming approving them.

These are great examples of people power. 

I believe that there will be many more of these kind of gatherings because I sense that there is a great energy shift happening in our world. It’s a shift away from power being in the hands of the few to being in the hands of the many. Crucially this shift is coming from love, the creation force, and the most powerful force in the universe.

Heart-Leaders hold, enhance or shift energy and are coming from a place of love. 

Here you will find a video and blog post that I published this week about love and other resources that will help you to engage in this great energy shift.

Who will you become? What will you do next?

Become the wise leader you want to be.


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