Monday 17 May 2021

My new complimentary resources depository

Google no longer provides a way for people to subscribe to this blog. I looked at migrating everything to my website which uses WordPress and many other options. None worked to my satisfaction and so I decided on a new path.

I will continue to post here every Monday (read), Wednesday (watch and read), and Friday (listen and read) at 8 AM Melbourne time.

I'll share on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook so please connect with me on one or more of these platforms.

You can subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

You can subscribe to my podcast here or download The Podcast Source app from your smart phones app store, Just press + on the app and put in this link

My monthly newsletter will be my complimentary resources depository from now on. I will link to every blog post. 

My newsletter comes out on the 15th of very month or earlier if the 15th falls on a weekend.

The great benefit from subscribing to my newsletter is that you become a member of Wise Leaders Community at the Conversations Level. 

This membership means that you can participate (or nominate a colleague to take your place) in my monthly wise leaders cafes, my wise leaders Q & A, five wise leaders online seminars p.a. and the first Wednesday conversation where we feature a special guest sage in their field.

In the newsletter I also write a feature article. Here's is May's edition.

Become the wise leader you want to be.

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