Monday 28 June 2021

Introducing the G.L.O.W. peer and after-action-review process

Wise leaders do many things that unwise or fake leaders don't. Two standouts are peer reviews and after-action-reviews.

A week ago I introduced the G.L.O.W. process (good for peer or after-action reviews as well as reflections of any kind) to members of the Wise Leaders Online Village Peer Group. They all took to it in a few minutes so I'm pleased to add this to my wise leaders playbook.

I began with my own example where I reviewed my shift to my wise leaders branding three months ago:

Go with 1) bespoke mentoring, peer groups, presentations, wisdom walks, and new stories and sparkenations show as main sources of income. 2) three blogs a week, one newsletter a month, four events a month, one helpful conversation per week day, referrals, engagement on LinkedIn, as major ways to contribute and attract.

Let go of regular Twitter and Facebook, and tendency to focus on outcomes.

Optimise partnership possibilities, helpful conversations, referrals, leveraging LinkedIn connections and followers.

Wait for publication of 'Enough' book I'm contributing a chapter to in September 2021 as next major publicity and P.R.

How could you use the G.L.O.W. process?

Should you like some help please get in touch with me.

Become the wise leader you want to be.

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