Friday 2 July 2021

Introducing The D.R.E.A.M. Process

Listen to the podcast version of this post 

Each Friday's podcasts are always under 10 minutes.

This is episode 115. 

They say that death, taxes and change are life’s three certainties. I would add a fourth - following proven processes means outcomes take care of themselves.

For over 30 years I have been designing human-centred processes to help my clients reach and sustain optimum performance.

What’s vital to all the work is the understanding that processes include rituals, routines, policies, procedures and practices, principles and philosophies, systems and structures, and assumptions.

When all of these mean it’s simple for people to bring their essence to their work your business or professional practice has the underpinning essential to excel in any endeavour you have expertise in.

A process that underpins all processes I call the D.R.E.A.M. Process. More about Process Innovation as the true management here.

From a personal perspective D.R.E.A.M. stands for Diet, Rhythm, Exercise, Appreciation and Meaning. 

I know when my Diet is plant based at least five days a week I can maintain my best weight and energy levels. When I’m operating in harmony with my hearts Rhythm, which is slow and considered, I can bring my best to every interaction and transaction. When I walk daily and sustain my tailored Exercise routine I always have the energy I need. When I’m Appreciating myself and others as integral to life I sustain a positive disposition. Lastly when I am doing work that is Meaningful for me and valuable for others I can stay in my happy lane.

From a professional perspective D.R.E.A.M. stands for Desire, Reason, Essence, Approach, Methodologies.

My Desire is to lead a worldwide community of purpose driven leaders seeking to make the difference you’re inspired to make without losing your integrity.

My Reason is to help people to become the wise leaders you want to be through story-telling and sharing, candid, convivial, compassionate, conscious and compelling conversations, mentoring and sharing of carefully crafted resources

My Essence is that I see what most people don’t, say what most people won’t, and shine light on possible pathways for the future in ways that inspire people to take action in your own best way.

My Approach is 3 blogs per week (8 AM AEST Monday (read), Wednesday (video and read), Friday (podcast and read), 1 newsletter per month, 4 complimentary events per month,1 helpful conversation per week day.

My Methodologies are leading/co-leading peer groups, bespoke mentoring, giving presentations, hosting an online experience called ‘We Need To Talk’, writing books and providing other carefully crafted resources, plus having a least one helpful conversation with a colleague, client or candidate every week day.

How could you use The D.R.E.A.M. process to become the wise leader you want to be?

Should you love some help please contact me on +61 418 807 898.

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