Wednesday 7 July 2021

Wise Leaders Are Purpose Impact Enhancers

Today's video and blog post is the thirteenth in a series of fifteen about the roles Wise Leaders play.

My purpose is changing the status quo (normal) narrative from:

  • scarcity to sufficiency.
  • this is how it is to anything is possible.
  • competition to collaboration.
  • command and control to co-operation and freedom.
  • growth to responsible progress.
  • profit to people, purpose, and planet.
  • more is better to less but better.
  • greed to gratitude.
  • appraisal to aspirations, appreciation and accountability.
  • fear to love.

You get a clear idea of what I stand for by reading the above right?

You can also imagine the kind of impacts I want to make by achieving my purpose. I want people to:

do their bit to restore our planet, bring about greater equality, be more human-centred, just to name three impacts.

Mostly by achieving my purpose I can help you as a purpose-driven leader to enhance your purpose impact.

I believe Wise Leaders Are Purpose Impact Enhancers.

In what ways can you make a greater impact on your world?
What more can you do to enhance the impact of the purposes of your family members, friends, customers/clients, colleagues, all your stakeholders?

Become the wise leader you want to be.


Previous videos and posts in this series

Here's the video and post on Process Innovators.

Here's the video and post on People Leaders.

Here's the video and post on Peacemakers.

Here's the video and post on Pragmatists.

Here's the video and post on Synthesisers.

Here's the video and post on Presenters.

Here's the video and post on Conversationalists.

Here's the video and post on Storytellers.

Here's the video and post on coaching and mentoring.

Here's the video and post on truth-telling.  

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