Friday 4 February 2022

Leader is not a word or a concept that replaces manager

Leader is not a word or a concept that replaces manager. Yet this seems to me to be what has happened during the pandemic. Command and control are back as a force in politics and in workplaces. Such behaviour never ends well. The hallmarks are bullying, authoritarianism, and ideology. An example is mandating vaccines. This is old style trying to control people management. It always creates us and them. Real leadership on the other hand would inspire the majority to have the vaccines.

In 1990 I defined leadership as "the art of inspiring people to bring everything we are to everything we do." I defined management as "the process of making it simple for people to bring everything we are to everything we do."

Leadership is about people. Management is about process. The idea of people management was a dumb one right from the start.

The great thinker Peter Drucker, the so called father of management, was on to this. In his 1954 book 'The Practice of Management' he said “One does not manage people—the task is to lead people. And the goal is to make productive the specific strengths and knowledge of each individual.”

Largely ignored in her day because she was a women my hero is Mary Parker Follett who in 1924 wrote:

“Leadership is not defined by the exercise of power but by the capacity to increase the sense of power among those led.

The most essential work of the leader is to create more leaders.”

Are you leading people and managing process? If so thank you. You are needed more than ever.

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