Friday 22 April 2022

An Australia and a world I want to see and help to build (with gratitude to Craig Foster AM)

I posted below on LinkedIn on 7th of April. It's by Craig Foster AM and his address to the National Press Club in Australia. It's so good I'm posting here again. For the full transcript of Craig's address go here.

What I posted on LinkedIn

A passionate and provocative address I loved every minute of it Thank You Craig Foster AM

I'm interested in your thoughts why are the refugees of The Park Hotel (how great for them) being released on election eve and not a long time ago?

I agree wholeheartedly with you that leadership is about sacrifice, not the sacrifice of others.

I'm also interested in why some of us still call refugees regardless of their method to get here "illegal immigrants" a denigrating term (and illegal it seems) if ever there was one.

I love and long for and am doing my bit for the Australia you describe:

"where race is no longer a weapon to divide,

the aged is not a profit centre,

the economy serves the people,

we promote the dignity of each per person irrespective of where they're from or how they arrived,

and Australia is a beacon of integrity, human rights compliance, and leadership in the world."

and what an insight "we choose equality as out national faith."

and you are absolutely spot on when you say that the boat in the PM's office "symbolises suffering, death, racism, xenophobia, deception, lies and profiteering, propaganda, myopia, and the degradation of Australia's humanity."

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