Wednesday 6 April 2022

What media I utilise and why. You?

I've reflected deeply on my use of the media. It was a valuable exercise.

My main reasons for using media are to be helpful to other people and to exercise my right to freedom of speech.

I play in three main areas

1) helping people to excel in life and work without comprising your personal values.

I provide meticulously researched content through blog posts here on Blogger, videos via YouTube, podcasts via Libsyn and Spotify. I pay for Libsyn and Spotify whose music I also use personally and in my work.

I pay Mailerlite monthly to distribute my monthly Wise Leaders Newsletter. You can subscribe here. Subscribing means an exclusive monthly article plus you get to participate in my monthly events complimentary.

I pay a yearly subscription the Guardian. I find them the most non-biased of mainstream media. I also use the ABC News app. I accept News means 'Never Ever Whole Story'.

The only social media platform I use is LinkedIn. I accept I am their product.

All content is accessible via this page.

2) I seek to be an activist for change where I see the status quo no longer serving us human beings.

I believe politics across the board is letting us down badly and so I use my voice to speak out and speak up. I also believe that the collusion between big business, politics and the military is not in our best interests as human beings.

Primarily I am against industrialisation and all forms of dehumanisation. I explore some of this in this video:

3) I publish books and ebooks and online courses, primarily for my clients, with some available in the mainstream here.

What media do you utilise and why?

Become the wise leader you want to be.


PS Here's the transcript of the video

This video/podcast is the most technical I get. I’m sharing research here rather than my usual storytelling preference.

I invest about 20% of my time in research, and have done for over 30 years. I’m particularly interested in what’s actually happening on the ground, in the trenches as it were, in workplaces. I’m also very interested in the future of work, as well as the history of work, and history in general, and what lessons we can take heed of from the past that will enable a fully humanised world and workplace now and in the future. 

Recently my friend and colleague Peter Milligan, an organisational psychologist in the UK, shared a Ray Dalio video with me. It’s 43 minutes and 42 seconds. 

It’s called Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order.

One thing that really struck me in the video (at the 23 minute mark) is how capitalism, government and the military all work together, and not for good. 

All three are very industrialised and not helping in my view when it comes to ensuring the world including the workplace is about humans first.

A great consequence of capitalism, government and the military collaborating is inequality.

Here in Australia we have a fascinating scenario playing out with a federal election soon to be held. For the first time in quite awhile the PM and the opposition leader are neck and neck in the polls as preferred PM.

I find this astonishing given the incumbent and his government have failed on any measure you want to look at to represent us citizens, rather they represent vested interests. This is a common story around the world of course. The political system is failing us pretty much everywhere.

The government here is also talking up military spending and expansion with a hardline rhetoric about China. They have weaponised national security as a tactic to differentiate themselves from the alternative government.

There’s a very interesting interview by Friendly Jordies with former Australia Prime Minister Kevin Rudd about 10 dirty tactics he predicts the government will use to try and win the election. One of the dirty tricks is about national security.

An excellent book I’ve read recently is Regeneration: Ending the climate crisis in one generation, a 2021 publication by Paul Hawken. 

In it he references a 1953 speech by US President Dwight D. Einsenhower, himself a former 5 star general in the military, where he talks about the industrialisation of the military. Worth noting here that according to Dalio’s research America had the worlds 19th largest army at the time of ww11. It’s a very different story today where they have 800 military bases in 80 countries.

In the book Hawken says “The politics industry is not designed or intended to serve voters. Like all industries it serves itself.”

I think understanding this is key to humanising the world and the workplace. We need to get that in the background capitalism, government and the military are all working to serve their own interests rather than our interests.

This is likely influencing your work, whatever you do.

Who are you serving? Your employees, your customers and other stakeholders interests? Or your own.

The best organisations and service providers serve others because they know this is the best way to take care of yourself.

In the second season of We Need To Talk, my signature program, our focus is not capitalism, politics and the military or any other industrialisation, think Big Pharma, Big  Food, Big Tech, Big Health, Big Religion, just to name a few other industralisation's that are harming us.

Yet we cannot ignore their influence as they are in the way of humanising the workplace let alone in the way of peace and harmony in the world.

We will be exploring a concept by neuroscientist Andrew Huberman referenced in Hawken’s book. Huberman upends the idea that beliefs determine what we do or what we can do, rather beliefs do not change actions, actions change beliefs.

I hope you can join me for season two commencing on Tuesday June 14th for Europe, UK, Asia, and June 21st for Australia, New Zealand and USA. Places are limited so please register early. Do so from here.

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